Bring Me Your Huddled Masses

So when I returned from my U.S. government sponsored safari in the Middle East my partner in crime at Fidelity Major Accounts Group, Scott Miller, and I sat there and discussed what had transpired in the CRE market while I was away in 2009. Not good. But he and I share the same drive to serve our clients and the industry and we wanted to be where we could make a difference. What was obvious to us was the Distressed Asset market within the CRE business had a large educational and community void within it. We had clients asking many questions. We had associates and partners with both questions and answers regarding opportunities, best practices, and just plain useful practical information regarding the Distressed Asset marketplace. Ok let’s join an association specializing in Distressed Assets where we can learn and contribute was our answer. To our surprise there wasn’t an association that was dedicated to supporting the CRE industry with respect to Distressed Assets. Oh there were many sites that listed distressed properties or operated vulture mills to target exposed and troubled commercial properties but that wasn’t what we were looking for. After consulting with some trusted advisors we enlisted their talent, connections, and support and our association was born: The Commercial Real Estate Distressed Asset Association, CREDAA. Along with co-founder J.W. Najarian, a leading real estate investment and social media expert, and a talented advisory team (see founders and advisory team HERE) CREDAA is already making significant strides in building a world class site to promote expertise, facilitate professional connections, and provide practical tools to help our members engage the Distressed Asset market.
Are you engaged in the Disposition, Acquisition, Valuation, Determination, Development and / or Finance of CRE Distressed, Unstable or Toxic Assets, REOs or Non-Performing Notes? CREDAA is dedicated to educating our members on current Commercial REO, Distressed Assets or Non-performing Notes and attracting legitimate investors, brokers, lenders and sellers to communicate together in on-going daily forums. CREDAA will become a powerful information resource for this industry as a growing community effecting positive change. CREDAA offers
> Industry Analytics: Real time supply and demand data, pricing support, and market data> Education Center: webcasts, podcasts, eLearning, and videos> Connection Center: social media, networking, forums, blog access, and a service provider database> Tools: Portfolio Builder, Acquisition Search, Disposition Search> Best Practices: White papers, research, and articles> Build Deal Teams: Partner with service providers and connect with investors
Check out the pre-launch for CREDAA HERE. The final live site is due for release in the February / March 2010 timeframe. We are getting some very good response and the association is being received very well by all types of participants in CRE. Check it out if you want to make some new connections learn more about Distressed Assets. We are building the education center now with podcasts, videos, eLearning, and webcasts but you can join early to share ideas and learn about developments in the troubled asset markets.

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